Sunday, September 30, 2012


We are all travelers HERE,...where we are, in this place.  As we travel TOGETHER, throughout LIFE we seem to learn from EACH OTHER.  We LEARN to VALUE our sameness...AND...our differences and the UNIQUENESS  that each of us is.  President Monson has ALWAYS been one of my favorite speakers,..from the time I was young.  To my recollection, he always spoke something of the service he gave. He is Prophet now, and still his message is of SERVICE TO ONE ANOTHER. Interesting enough... this earth...with all of the many calamities happening, has provided the MANY with opportunities to GIVE and to SERVE throughout the world.  In every corner, wealthy or poor, famous or obscure, I read and hear of SERVICE.  A coincidence of our time?  I, myself, don't think so. President Eyring said, "I can tell you something of what lies ahead for you. will find yourself invited by the Lord often to serve someone in need when it will not seem convenient."......... I am reminded how blessed I have been by others..byYOU!...and all your gifts of service in my behalf.... Jesus stood before the multitude  when it was evening, when the desciples suggested the people go home to eat.  The desciple found the boy with the 5 loaves and two fish. Jesus took these and gave thanks and blessed the food.  Then he gave the loaves to his disciples to take to the multitude...and everyone ate and was filled. And there was some to spare.When we give what we can, Christ will take it and bless it and magnify it and pass it...and still there will be some to spare.  HE will ALWAYS MAKE UP THE DIFFERENCE! a fellow traveler, this is what I've learned as I continue on my journey.

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